I’m Dreaming Of A Flat Christmas!
Flat Santa needs your help! His Flat Flying Reindeer have escaped across the world and it’s up to you to help him capture them!
Flat Christmas specials are now live on the map for everyone (Advent Calendar purchasers got early access to this special on Sunday) and will remain available until December 26 at 23:59 MHQ. There are quite a few different specials, so check out a breakdown of each below!
Flat Santa Specials
1,100 Flat Santas bounce to Greenies every 6 hours or when captured. When a Flat Santa is captured the player will either be awarded 76 points or Flat Santa will award “presents” like a Prize Wheel Munzee. These are attracted to physical Munzee Magnets.
Capture: 76
CapOn: 19
Virtual Reindeer Specials
999 Reindeer Virtual Specials, 111 of each type, that bounce to regular Virtual Munzees and Flat Friends Munzees. These are attracted to Virtual Munzee Magnets on regular Virtuals. They are not blastable.
Reindeer 1-8 Points:
Capture: 23
CapOn: 18
Rudolph Points:
Capture: 39
Capon: 19
- Dasher
- Dancer
- Prancer
- Vixen
- Comet
- Cupid
- Donner
- Blitzen

Rover, The Other Reindeer Special
One Rover Reindeer Special bounces to Greenies every 6 hours or when captured. This little guy is attracted to Munzee Magnets, but he’ll be tough to find!
Capture: 200
CapOn: 100There will be badges for capping each of the specials, so your safest bet is to just capture one of each! There are five badges total, think you can earn them all? These will all also count towards the Specials Badges and players can capture these on their own munzees. Since Reindeer bounce to Flat Friends all Flat Munzees will be active through the duration of the specials.
It’s already proven to be a very busy December, but we still have a few surprises up our sleeves! You can still purchase an Advent Calendar by 12/17, so jump on that before it’s too late. Enjoy the holidays with your family, but keep your eyes to sky for a Reindeer or two as well! Zee-sons greetings and Munzee on!