Archive for January, 2017

January 6, 2017

Surplus MunzPaks in the Munzee Online Store

We’ve added a limited number of surplus MunzPaks to the Munzee Online Store. These surplus MunzPaks are available for $20 and include all of the physical contents of the MunzPak as well as extra Evolution Munzees. They DO NOT include any of the virtuals that may have been included with a MunzPak subscription. The MunzPak you receive will be from October, November, or December and chosen at random during processing.

You can find the Evolution Surplus MunzPaks at this link.

Have a great weekend!

Munzee on!

January 5, 2017

January Flat Rob Releases

When we announced January Clan Requirements, we said that Flat Robs would be on the map for a minimum of 5 days during the month. Well now, we’ve got dates to share!

Flat Robs will be on the map:

  • Friday, January 13th at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, January 15th at 23:59 MHQ time
  • Monday, January 23rd at 00:01 MHQ time through Sunday, February 5th at 23:59 MHQ time

We hope these help in your quest to reach your clan level!

Munzee on!

January 4, 2017

Featured Munzee Toolkit: Ian Zirins (IanZ)

One of the best parts about Munzee is that you can play how you want. Everyone goes about playing a bit differently, and that leads to some very creative and innovative uses of objects. From containers to bags to maintenance, we always encounter something new when we meet players. We want to showcase your Munzee Toolkits to see how you play the game and possibly even inspire other players who may need help. This week’s featured Munzee Toolkit comes from Ian Zirins (IanZ).


What’s in your Munzee Toolkit?

I carry all of my Munzee gear in my trusty mono backpack which is easy to swing to the front of my body for quick access.

I carry all of my physical stickers in the segmented box pictured which originally contained a selection of wood screws. The handy compartments are just a nice size to separate my stickers into specials, Jewels, etc.

Next comes my point of sale hangers. These are great for attaching stickers to, folding, and clipping onto wire fencing. I’ve got to thank my fellow clan member Barry (8a22a) for the tip on these. We’re still working out how to make them sheep-proof as the local farm animals seem to like chewing them up.

I carry 3 external battery packs and 2 USB leads for those long days out in the field and can share them if anyone wants extra power. The two 12,500 mAh packs were a bargain, and I can get around 12-15 hours from them combined.

I always have a bag of my own printed greenies which are laminated and cut to shape. Some are also perforated. I attach them to objects with either cable ties or glue them on with the tube of glue I always carry.

I’ve also go a laminated card with all of my Social and Personal Munzees just in case I meet a fellow player.

Finally, the ex-scout in me forces me to always carry a space blanked/bivvy bag in case of inclement weather, plus a handy multi-tool and dry cloth for wet days in the wilderness!

If you have a Munzee Toolkit that you’d like to show off, you can email us at with the subject “Munzee Toolkit”. Make sure to include:

  • Your username and where you are from.
  • A few high quality photos.
  • A list of what each item is and how you use it.
  • What made you decide to use those items.
  • Any other relevant details.

We want to see your creativity and learn how you play. Show us what you’ve got!

Munzee on!

January 3, 2017

Player of the Week: Cleo Nordquist (QueenofDNile)

As Munzee has grown over the years, the game has evolved in so many more ways than any of the co-founders could have imagined. We’ve certainly had our fair share of growing pains, but in its essence Munzee has tried to stick to its core goal of getting people out into the world. No one knows this better than those players who have been with us since the beginning. This week’s Player of the Week is Cleo Nordquist (QueenofDNile).

Who are you?
I answer to several monikers; Chilly to my family, Queen to my caching friends, QueenofD’Nile to the Munzee community, and just plain Cleo Nordquist to the rest of the world! My avatar and photo stand in is known an QoD!

Where in the world do you live?
I live in Lindale, TX, which is nestled in the Piney Woods of East Texas.

How long have you played Munzee?
I signed up in March of 2012 and started capping the minimal munzees deployed in my hometown area for the next year. I became a Premium Member in July 2013 and started to deploy! The next month, BACON came to the map, and my addiction became incurable!

How did you find Munzee?
I first found out about Munzee at the 2012 Texas Challenge where Munzee has a cool LEGO QR Code set up. Although I couldn’t get my smart phone to act very smart that day and let me scan it, I was able to sign up.

What do you most enjoy about Munzee?
The people I have met. Especially, my red-headed Munzee enabler! I enjoy meeting up with fell Munzers in order to walk trails and “Grow the Map”. The addition of events has made gathering together and socializing even easier and more fun. It has “forced” me to drive so many miles in the last year that I wore out a set of tires all because there might be a special, badge, or icon just a “short” drive down the road.

What is on your wish list?

  1. We have started a beautiful Virtual Munzee Rose in Tyler, TX that we are hoping to complete before March of 2017. It has been placed in an area where all 577 will be hand capable.

  2. I would love to see a proximity limit created so that a munzee cannot be placed in Maintenance Mode unless the player is near the Munzee (300 feet). On that same note, it would be nice if there was a time delay to putting a munzee in Maintenance Mode by two players. The logs need to be at least 24 hours apart before the icon goes yellow.
  3. The creation of cute and kid-friendly skins that I could give my niblings to use for deploying. They love the doggie ones and would love some more fun skins. I am thinking Space Aliens, robots, insects, etc.

Tell us about yourself!
A short history of my life – I was born in Alaska, adopted, and moved to Minnesota. I spent a few years working as a missionary in Mexico, and now I live in Texas! I have a BA in History, which means I know enough about history to get into many arguments with non-history majors! I have 2 furry babies, aka cats, Calliope and Obsidian, both of whom get mad at me when I leave them for long periods in order to go caching and Munzeeing.

Other hobbies include:
When I am not spending time with family and friends, I am either crocheting, painting, coloring, caching, reading, or playing WallaBee.

Any last words?
Dum spiro, spero. I wish to thank whoever nominated me, as I believe you deserve this honor more, and I am humbly honored!

QueenofDNile has included some socials, so cap away!

January 1, 2017

The Munzee 2017 Theme

In 2017 Team Munzee has big plans that will test our abilities. We are going to spread the word about Munzee far and wide.

Our goal is simple: Everyone. Everywhere.

Our worldwide game gets bigger every day, so we want to include new players and areas as well as continue to grow our current communities. We can’t do it alone, though! With the help of our passionate players, we know even more people worldwide will embrace our game in the year to come.

To kick off the new year we’ve taken some of the photos our Munzee players have uploaded while playing and posted them into this collage of the world. Our game is worldwide in both places and people and 2017 will take that all to the next level.

Visit to check out this interactive collage. Just zoom in with your computer’s mouse wheel to see photos taken from players like YOU! You can also check out an excerpt of the Letter From The President, see some of 2016’s gameplay statistics, and follow links to other Year In Review blog posts.

Over the next 12 months, we have all sorts of exciting stuff planned, and we want you involved every step of the way. Use the hashtags #MunzEE and #E1EW to let us know how you embrace “Everyone. Everywhere.” all year long.

Happy New Year and cheers to everyone, everywhere!

*The collage may have issues loading on Chrome web browsers. If the collage does not load correctly you may have to change your browser’s permissions.*