Archive for March, 2018

March 13, 2018

Pie.. Uh.. Pi Day 2018 Specials!

If you didn’t know, Rob taught math in his pre-Munzee life. Among the, shall we say, quirks that have carried over from that time is a love for certain numbers. One of those is 3.14, or Pi. Here in the U.S., there is a large population that likes to celebrate Pi Day on March 14th (aka 3.14). We’re getting in on that celebration this year (and making it international) with our Pi Day 2018 specials!

From now (10:00 MHQ time on March 13th) through Sunday, March 18th at 23:59 MHQ time, 3141 Pi Day Specials will bounce on greenies every 3.14 hours (188 minutes) or when capped. When you cap a Pi Day Special, you will earn 31 points. The owner of the host munzee will earn 14 points.

You also have the chance to earn 2 badges during this special. By capping at least one Pi Day Special, you will earn the “Pi Day 2018” badge.

The second badge is a bit different. To earn the “Mixed Fillings” badge, you have to collectively cap and/or deploy a minimum of 314 munzees of any type (e.g. cap 250 munzees and deploy 64, or cap 114 munzees and deploy 200, any combination with a sum of 314 or more) while the specials are active.

Other items to note about this special:

  • These specials will be active under the Only Expiring Specials and Only Seasonal Specials filters.
  • These can be captured on your own munzees.
  • These are attracted by Magnets.
  • These count toward the Special Hunters badges.

But that’s not all! We also have a limited number of Pi Day 2018 Personal Munzees available in the Munzee Online Store. These are circular, metal tags sublimated with the “Pi Day 2018” badge on one side and a Personal Munzee on the back.

These Personal Munzees are available for $10 while supplies last.

We hope you enjoy these specials!

Munzee on!

March 8, 2018

Happy Birthday Flat Rob Sale!

In celebration of President Rob Vardeman’s birthday we’re excited to announce that Flat Robs are on sale in the Munzee Online Store. Not to be outdone by Flat Matt, Flat Rob is also celebrating his “26th” Birthday so enjoy 26% off Flat Robs from now until Sunday March 11th at 23:59 MHQ Time!

Now we know he may look a bit mature for 26, but he’s young at heart!  Remember to check out the March Flat schedules, so you can see when those Flat fellows will be on the map. SPOILER ALERT: Flat Robs are active all month!

Have fun, and Munzee on! Happy Birthday Rob!

March 6, 2018

Player(s) of the Week: Karin LeBlanc and Heather Bailey (GoofyButterfly)

As Munzee has grown over the years, the game has evolved in so many more ways than any of the co-founders could have imagined. We’ve certainly had our fair share of growing pains, but in its essence Munzee has tried to stick to its core goal of getting people out into the world. No one knows this better than those players who have been with us since the beginning. This week’s Player of the Week is a duo that plays together, Karin LeBlanc and Heather Bailey (GoofyButterfly).

Who are you?
Our names are Karin LeBlanc and Heather Bailey. We are GoofyButterfly. Heather is Goofy and Karin is Butterfly. Our team name was formed back when we started caching. Heather’s nickname as a child was Goofy, and Karin loves Butterflies, so we put the two things together and made a team name. It was a quick put together name to try a game we thought we had little interest in, but our daughter was harassing us to try it out. So we created the name, and that is what we have been ever since.

Where in the world do you live?
We now live in Punta Gorda, Florida. Karin is originally from Calgary, AB Canada and has lived in Florida for 15 years. I am originally from IL and have now lived in Florida for 18 years.

How long have you played Munzee?
We captured our first munzee on June 8, 2014.

How did you find Munzee?
Well, Heather was sitting reading a blog one day, and Munzee was mentioned. After being addicted to caching for years, we looked up Munzee to see what it was all about. It looked like something we might be interested in, so we loaded the app on the phone. Off we went to try it out. There were 26 munzees in our little town, and we found 22 of the 26 that afternoon. The other 4 we weren’t able to find and later came to understand that they were just missing. That was our first day, and we haven’t stopped since.

What do you most enjoy about Munzee?
What don’t we enjoy?! Because we play as a team, there are things that we both like and things that aren’t our favorites, but there is nothing to not like about the game. It gets us out in the fresh air, and since we usually Munzee as a family (our mom and our daughter both play), we have great times together. It has taken us to places we would never have gone otherwise. We recently traveled to Georgia for an event and discovered an area that we never would have otherwise gone. We enjoy the events, spending time with old friends and making new ones. We are addicted to badges and icons and truly enjoy searching out as many as we can get. We also enjoy the fact that most of Munzee is urban play which better fits both of our personalities. Munzee makes the world a little smaller and friendlier, and this is one of our greatest pleasures we receive from Munzee.

We also like the challenge. We find someone on the daily leaderboard or the overall leaderboard, and we set our own goals of beating that score or player. We also set monthly goals for what we want to acheive. It is all in fun, and it helps Goofy’s competitive side.

What is on your wish list?

  • Badges for capturing greenies. (Because we are addicted to getting badges as we know many others are as well, this will possible help get people out capping the greens again.) For example, badges for 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10,000, 50,000, and 100,000.
  • More badges for different types of Munzees. We love that the mystery badges just came out and would like to see more and higher badges like this for each type of Munzee. Again, it will keep folks capping those particular Munzees.
  • A routing feature in the map that will help when traveling. So if we are driving from Florida to Alberta, Canada, which route would be best to pass the most Munzees.
  • Website map filters to be able to filter specific types of Munzees.
  • A feature in the app to show if you have previously captured a Places Munzee.

Tell us about yourself!
We have been married for 4 years. We have two beautiful daughters and 3 amazing granddaughters. We bother work for Emergency Medical Services. Karin works in Patient Financial Services and Heather is a Paramedic and Dispatch Manager. Our mom enjoys Munzee and our Aunt enjoys traveling with us while we Munzee. We recruited our daughter from another game, and now she Munzees with us when we get to visit with her. We live on a small acreage on the West coast of Florida.

We have friends and family all over North America and enjoy traveling to see them. As we said earlier, we are both transplants, so our roots are elsewhere. Our family and animals are our life, and we enjoy each and every day we get to spend together.

Other hobbies include:
Who has time for other hobbies! No, really we work and also have a small farm where we raise goats and dogs. We also have an African Gray Parrot. We enjoy puzzles and travel. Karin enjoys sewing when we slow down from Munzee and life to allow her the time to sew. We both love munzee and can sit for hours just listening to great music. Heather enjoys dabbling in the auction business more for pleasure than for work. Our first favorite hobby is time with our family, then comes Munzee.

Any last words?
We have made some amazing friends and continued friendships through this game, and for that, we are so grateful. We are thankful for what Munzee does for us players and also for our communities. We would like to thank those who nominated us for Player of the Week. Munzee players we have met from around the world are kind and compassionate people, and we are so glad that . this game has brought us together.

GoofyButterfly also included some socials, so cap away!

March 5, 2018

Munzee Version 3.4.4

Howdy, everyone!

Earlier this morning we pushed Munzee 3.4.4 to the Google Play and Apple App Stores. Along with an updated scanner and minor fixes/improvements, this new version adds support for the Mini ZeeOps that can be earned by capturing the dossiers spilled by the new Briefcase Munzees. You must have the new version of the app installed for this feature to work properly.

Good luck to those of you who are currently participating in a ZeeOp, and Munzee on!