New Year’s Resolution Streak Badges Return!
Last year we introduced our Resolution Streak Badges. Each month had a different goal for personal growth to focus on, ranging from the simple and specific (August’s “Read More”) to the more complex and broad (December’s “Give More”). We love reading the comments on these posts to learn how our players have achieved these monthly goals in different ways! To continue our journey of self-improvement, we decided to renew this badge line for 2020!
This year, we wanted to bring back the focus to one of the biggest benefits our game has — the ability to make being active fun! Each month will focus on a popular exercise. Who knows, you might be inspired to add one to your routine! Similar to the Super Streak badges all you have to do is capture at least one munzee* each day for the entire month. If you can make it through the whole month you’ll be awarded a badge themed to that month’s resolution goal!
To ease into this theme without too many sore muscles, we decided to keep this month simple and highlight the tried-and-true Jumping Jack! We hope just thinking about them won’t make you weak in the knees!
Did you know?
The American origins for this exercise can be traced back to World War I, believed to be developed by an Army Officer and inspired by a once-popular children’s toy which made a similar motion to the exercise. In the United Kingdom, this exercise is called a “Star Jump” due to the shape your body makes when doing this exercise. Perhaps we’ll try out this alternative name as we converse about our New Year’s Resolutions!
Jumping jacks are a great cardio exercise. If the standard jumping jack is actually tough on your knees, there are a few ways to reduce the pain — make sure you are on a level surface, wear good shock-absorbing shoes, keep your knees slightly bent, and try to keep your jumps gentle as well. If shoulder pain is a concern, try half jacks, which are the same as regular jumping jacks except that you bring your arms up halfway. Of course, please exercise (pun intended) extreme caution when trying this out. Consult your doctor before starting a new exercise routine, and always listen to your body. Stop when you feel too much pain. A little pain is okay — no pain, no gain, right? But don’t push yourself way past what your body is capable of**. All exercises have modifications to accommodate all body types.
We know capping a munzee each day won’t magically make you more fit, but we hope as you work towards this capture streak you think about squeezing in a few reps! Any movement is better than none at all! We’re all in this together and if nothing else it will help you get one step closer to the yearlong capture and deploy streak badges. We’ll have a different resolution badge design each month, but try and keep up with your resolutions throughout the year! We believe in you!
We hope you’ll tune in each month for a new exercise program! Munzee on!
* In order to encourage active gameplay we will not count Social Munzees for these capture streaks. If you know you’ll be in an area without munzees plan ahead!ย