You’ll Be Seeing Green With These 20/20 Vision Munzees!
Need to escape the house to shake off a bad case of cabin fever? While our options for travel are limited at the moment, we can at least take a mental vacation by reading a good book! Why not revisit some of your favorite children’s books, like The Wizard of Oz? You may find that they’re still just as magical, even if you’re all grown up, and that your more mature self will give a fresh take on a book you thought you already knew. These essential eyeglasses were deployed this afternoon at 15:00 MHQ. If you don’t enjoy wearing glasses non-stop, you may want to keep your visit to the city short!
Only eight pairs of Emerald City Glasses will be deployed, and they will bounce to all colors of virtuals every 12 hours or when captured. These will be attracted to Virtual Magnets so be sure to stock up!
- Cap: 200 points
- CapOn (Host): 100 points
Capturing the Emerald City Glasses will add this monochrome Over The Rainbow badge to your collection! It will also contribute progress towards the overall capture line of badges — the post is HERE if you missed it!
Even though Emerald City owes a lot to these special glasses, we’re sure it was an equally wonderful sight without them. The glasses didn’t fake the shine, which came from countless gems used to decorate the city, despite not all of them being emeralds. Author L. Frank Baum reportedly based Emerald City on the World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893, a fair held in Chicago to celebrate Christopher Columbus’s arrival. The beautiful buildings, made dazzling with lights, reflective glass, and other trimmings, were also referred to as the “White City.” Would you want to visit Emerald City? What are some other places from books that you’d like to visit?
You’ll be able to capture the 20/20 Vision specials on other players’ munzees as well as your own for the remainder of the year! As a reminder, all 20/20 Vision specials will leave the map on 12/31/2020 at 23:59 MHQ. More unique 20/20 Vision specials will launch throughout the year so keep on the lookout — you won’t want to miss out on these trendy lenses!
Show us how you Munzee! Tweet us @Munzee or be sure to post a photo and mention us on Facebook (@Munzee) or Instagram (@munzeeapp). Good luck, and Munzee on!