Munzee Player of the Week: Honza Stastny (CACHEEATER)
We’re always pushing our players to grow the map. Although some areas are bigger than others, they all started somewhere and took the hard work and dedication of our players to grow. This week’s Player of the Week remembers when his home city of Prague was just a few dozen greenies and now the game has grown exponentially. We’re proud to announce Honza Stastny (CACHEEATER) as this week’s POTW and hope he continues to help his Munzee community grow! Read on for more about CACHEEATER!
Who are you?
Honza Stastny (CACHEEATER). My surname „Stastny“ means Happy and this is who I am. Whoever is happy will make others happy too. And I like to make others happy!
Where in the world do you live?
I live in a beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.
How long have you played Munzee?
Today I celebrate …. oh …. no … 666 days …. wait … no. It was yesterday! O.K. 667 days today. (Editor’s note: It’s been a few months since he sent this. We think he’s in the clear from demonic possession now.)
How did you find Munzee?
I discovered my first munzee while I was caching. I immediately checked out what it was, but created an account a few months later.
What do you enjoy most about Munzee?
Tak hlavne to, jak je to jednoduche. Pipnes, publikujes (in english please!!!) Oh sh.. Sorry. I like it is so easy to play. To go out and capture or deploy. We don’t stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing. So I’m going to stay young forever 😉
Thanks to Munzee I met a lot of new players, visited new cities and beautiful places. This is a very quick game and I can always expect something unexpected – new specials, sales, server issues – it has really enriched my life 😉
I am very proud of how Munzee has grown in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague! Prague has become a ‘destination’ for Munzee players around the world to visit, see the magnificent architecture and beautiful surroundings AND cap a LOT of Munzees! When I started to play there were several dozen greenies and FIVE virtuals – now it is one BIG, BIG coloured cluster filled with greenies, motels, specials and thousands of virtuals! All surrounded by amazing architecture and history. You all are very warm welcome to Prague!
What is on your wish list?
Visit more new places, meet more new friends, capture more munzees …
I would like to see Munzee fix the problems with capping virtuals all around the world using changed location. It is still a big problem. The special icons have change the game a lot and I see all around me a lot of greenies without captures because most players prefer special icons. It is a pity I guess. I wish more “greenies related” days 😉 I love Clan Wars and the way they are each month different. Good for greenies were April Clan Wars. It was based solely on our activity! 1 capture = 1 point. 1 deploy = 1 point. And socials were excluded from these calculations. It was fair for most players and you could see the different results in the end of month 🙂 I would also love to see the daily leaderboards based solely on activity as I mentioned above! It is hard for new players to get to Top daily leaderboard (and get Winner, First Loser, Lucky and Unlucky badges) if other players get thousands of cap on points each day 😉
Tell us about yourself!
About myself … What to write … I don’t know … The remarkable position in which I find myself is that I don’t actually know what I actually know … 🙂 Did I mention I like interviews, but don’t speak english?? …
One of my dreams I had when I was much younger has been fulfilled – I became a bus driver 🙂 But I have new dreams and keep working on these. Dreams keep me motivated.
Other hobbies include;
I like driving and I like buses. In my leisure time I make the paper buses – small simple models not only for children. Look at 😉 I also like hiking trips out of Prague and traveling somewhere abroad. This year I visited beautiful Scotland, in 2011 I spent the absolutely best month in Alaska. I love calm places, nature and wild animals. I really enjoyed that journey and took a lot of photos. In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.
CACHEEATER was kind enough to share his socials, so cap away!
If you know a player that should be nominated for Munzee Player of the Week, shoot us a message at and let us know just why this person is outstanding in the global Munzee community!
-Please note, this is a super active campaign. We may not be able to get back to everyone, but you’re helping to grow the list of amazing people in the Munzee community!