Announcing Secret Admirer Specials!
Love is in the air and it seems you all have a secret admirer or two! Who could it possibly be? The only way to find out is to collect their heart pieces and reveal your true love!
2,800 Secret Admirer Specials will be on the map from 00:01 MHQ time on Tuesday, February 13th through Sunday, February 18th at 23:59. There will be a total of 4 heart pieces (700 of each on the map) and by collecting at least one of each corresponding piece (each side of the heart) you’ll earn a badge for that set.
- Heart Capper 1
- Heart Capper 2
- Heart Wrangler 1
- Heart Wrangler 2
Since it’s mystery as to who these secret admirers could be, these specials will work a bit differently. The Secret Admirer Specials will bounce on MVMs, Mysteries, Mini Mysteries, and Greenies every 6 hours or when capped. Since these specials bounce on both physical and virtual game pieces, both Munzee Magnets and Virtual Magnets will attract these icons.
- Capture – 28
- CapOn for host owners – 14
Per usual these will also count toward the Special Hunter badge line and you can cap them on your own munzees so be sure to cap as many as you can!
We hope this season is full of love- even if it’s just the love of the game! Happy Valentine’s Day and enjoy this lovely new special. Munzee on!