Posts Tagged ‘gifts’

December 9, 2014

Munzee Gift Specials are on the map NOW!

Uh oh-GiftBlue_128 looks like Santazee lost a few presentsΒ on his test flight across the world! As some of our more attentive players have noticed, specials gift icons have started to pop up across the map and it’s up to you to cap them before the winter holidays are over. There are 500 gift specials around the map which bounce if not capped after 6 hours. Once captured, 25 points will be split between owner and capper, with a minimum of 5 points each. If you cap a gift you’ll even get to open it and get yourself a nifty Snow Globe Badge!

These presents will be on the map throughout the month, so be sure to capture them while you can! Check out for a map showing where the nearest gift is to you. Santa also has a few more test flights before the big day, so keep your eye out for any other drops. Expect the unexpected and Happy holidays!Xmas2014_720